Mining for Profit Around the World. Performance Associates International, Inc. (PAI) is the premier natural resource training development and operations readiness consulting company. 

Technology Can Work Wonders in Terms of Efficiency, but How Do Employees Fit Into the Equation? At this point in our history, the question is more important than ever. Investing in technology makes sense in terms of competition on a global level—but while automation can help a company’s bottom line, it also means that fewer people are needed to get things done.

QQuest Brings Real-World Quality to IT Management. Keeping up with changing technology requires full-time experts, but in today’s trying economy, IT staffing isn’t always in the budget. Watching the bottom line, however, doesn’t have to mean forgoing high-tech benefits.

Responding to Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Floods in Thailand.  The economic principle of supply and demand is more than just numbers on a chart; it's a daily reality causing huge pricing fluctuations in the electronic components industry.

Solutelia, LLC Brings People Together Tirelessly and Wirelessly.  From competitive benchmarking, CW testing, iBwave model tuning, designing and project management. Solutelia ensures a Global Wireless communications experience for everyone. 

Wireless or not, the devices that keep us connected can add up to a tangled mess for businesses. Integrated management is the key to efficiency and affordability.

Most people associate college students with classrooms, dorm rooms and more textbooks than you can count. Josh Linkner was not your typical college student.

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