
Turn up the HEAT!

Eve Wright Taylor seems to heat things up and light sparks wherever she goes. As Vice President and Associate General Counsel for the Miami HEAT, one of the hottest NBA teams in the league, Taylor advises the team on a great variety of legal issues related to marketing, promotions, concerts, events, corporate sales, merchandising plans – and even on player and fan-related issues.

A graduate of DePauw University, Taylor said that she always wanted to be a lawyer but never realized exactly what it entailed. She found out fast, climbing up the corporate ladder quickly and proficiently. Taylor had not even celebrated her 35th birthday when she landed the coveted post at the Miami HEAT. “I never imagined my focus would be in the professional sporting industry. But you never know where life is going to take you. Before working at the Heat, I served as the Senior Director of Business and Legal Affairs for the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA), a position I got after my mentors at Fredrikson & Byron cut the apron strings and set me loose. In a parental way, they told me I needed to learn how to be a lawyer. My feelings were hurt, but it led me onto my current path,” Taylor shared.

As an extremely successful and accomplished African-American woman, Taylor says she still faces the same kind of challenges mostall women face in any predominately male corporate environment. Yet instead of seeing only challenges, Taylor sees opportunity and bright prospects, “Everyone isn’t against me, but it’s true some are. I just push forward and push through, using my resources and savoir-faire.” This savvy entrepreneur and tough competitor says of her prospects and endeavors, “I have been given a legacy that has left me with a responsibility to continue to build upon that legacy.”

Taylor did just that when she founded “theSpark!” – a network that provides an empowering community focused on executive development for women. It aims to help them find and achieve the goals they desire in their personal and professional lives with advice and an action plan.. “There is no one-size fits all approach. Women have different aspirations. I simply hold the door open. Whether they are seeking a promotion, a raise, want to meet a man, travel, overcome fears, need advice on how to juggle home and work life, or don’t know what they want, I help them find out,” a passionate Taylor elucidated.

As she played with the big boys in a slew of primarily male environments, Taylor said the obstacles she overcame made her excel in her field and become a better person. “I’ve had my share of stumbles. I look back now and think to myself I should have handled some things differently. But it’s a reflection. You live and learn. You brush off your mistakes and you move on,” said a reflective Taylor.

Of our legal system, Taylor makes it clear she is proud to be a part of it. “I believe in our justice system. It’s the best in the world. While arbitration and mediation have their place, sometimes you have to fight the fight. Whether you agree or disagree, advocates are here for a reason.” Taylor stands up and fights the good fight when it’s called for and also offers support where and when needed.

Moving forward, Taylor is working on a book and on expanding her family. She and her husband are expecting their first child. “In the future, I want to continue doing good work at the HEAT and at 'theSpark!' I am excited about the birth of my child and spending good times with my baby and husband. I think I will have my hands full for a while,” Taylor noted.

If there is one thing Taylor knows how to do, it is juggling many tasks. Always on guard and never dropping the ball are what make Taylor so indispensable. Her time and effort in “theSpark!” helps more women tackle the corporate ladder, and her work at the HEAT continues to be a slam dunk for the franchise.

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