
A Natural Gift Put to Good Use

A Guiding Light

Some people have gifts that can be developed, but not learned. Carole Kennedy, a nationally-renown intuitive counselor, has such a gift. She helps people with physical and spiritual healing, offering guidance during turbulent life situations and assistance with police investigations.  

"My gift was discovered by my grandmother when we were in church," Kennedy says. "I realized I saw a shroud; I didn't know what it was called then." She recalls exclaiming in excitement and how her grandmother taught her the importance of controlling her gift. 

Although she's always practiced them, Kennedy didn't use her skills professionally until 1980 when a back surgery forced her out of teaching. Since then, she has counseled individuals from all income levels and backgrounds, worked as a motivational speaker, appeared on national talk shows, authored several books, and served as president of a local chapter of National Association of Women Business Owners.

"My in-house activity is more like a counseling session," Kennedy says, "I counsel individuals, families, and business people." She counsels during good and bad times, but economic downturns bring an increase of clients seeking help with important decisions.

"I am a helpful resource for pointing job seekers in the right direction," she explains. "I never tell clients what to do. I outline options they may have and the different scenarios or
solutions they may be able to come up with."  

During difficult times such as these, her most popular service is spiritual guidance. "Most people are hungry to know they have something to look forward to past this life."

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