

Feature Options
The options below vary by word count, design, and feature duration per page.
These options also determine the frequency with which your article will be featured:

4-Page Feature
Cost: $4,800.00
Duration: Runs for 4 Quarters
Billing: Billed quarterly until paid in full

3-Page Feature
Cost: $3,600.00
Duration: Runs for 3 Quarters
Billing: Billed monthly until paid in full

2-Page Feature
Cost: $2,400.00
Duration: Runs for 2 Quarters
Billing: Billed upfront

1-Page Feature
Cost: $1,200.00
Duration: Runs for 1 Quarter
Billing: Billed upfront


Benefits of Paid Feature Options

SEO Optimization
We optimize your article with relevant keywords to enhance visibility and reach.

Collaborative Editorial Process
Enjoy full editorial control as we work closely with you to refine your content.

Custom Design
Our creative team will incorporate your images or ours to create a stunning layout.
You’ll receive a PDF for final approval before publication.

Print Distribution
A print copy of your article will be sent to an address of your choice.
A link to our printing platform will also be provided.

Digital Distribution
Links to the online article and a downloadable version
will be made available without restrictions.

Back Link Accessibility
Article content will be provided in a format of your specification
for the reposting on your site 

High-Resolution PDF Reprint
Receive a high-resolution PDF reprint of your article,
featuring updateable content and no usage limitations.



Benefits of Our Free Simple Article Process
We ensure a seamless experience from draft creation to publication,
offering a range of benefits tailored to your needs:

Step 1: Draft Review
A draft will be shared with you for compliance and accuracy review.

Step 2: Publication
Once approved, your article will be featured on our site indefinitely,
complete with links and images for your use.



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