How the right coach can help those ready for change
Many high-performers balk at the idea that they need a life coach to really help them thrive. But a good coach can be there to support even the most ardent go-getter through tough emotional times, complex career maneuvers, and in identifying areas for growth.
“We are not meant to get through life on our own,” said RiTika Rose, who describes herself as a life strategist. Rose also is a best-selling author and self-leadership and mindful behavior expert with two decades of experience across various industries, where she helps individuals discover their highest possible quality of life.
“Hiring someone with a skill set that can help to empower your life in a way you want to live is a smart choice. No Olympian ever got the Olympics without a coach. Every employee is coached by the leadership team in the workplace,” Rose added. “So, how does having a life coach become taboo?”
Many professionals, especially those in high-powered positions, can hesitate to approach a coach. After all, they are already successful and often feel like outside help is the last thing they need.
“My favorite response is, ‘There is nothing wrong with me. I don’t need help,’” Rose said. “To that I chuckle, because everyone needs support and help.”Professionals who take the plunge and work with a coach can find themselves surprised by both the speed and efficacy of the results, Rose and Carol Ross, two experienced life coaches who spoke to “Advisors Magazine” said. They need to embrace that discomfort, reflection, and self-learning are required, however, because clients who hide from themselves rarely find the improvements they need.
“It really depends on the person and their willingness. Willingness to reflect on their attitudes and behavior, with humility. Willingness to get out of their comfort zone. Willingness to own their part in their current situation. Willingness to uncover more about themselves,” said Ross, a former Bell Labs engineer turned career coach, national speaker, and writer.
“Vulnerability and courage factor in as well. When you have willingness, vulnerability and courage, I've seen significant changes in the client's life – as a result of just a few hours of coaching.”
Ross’s corporate clients have included Caterpillar, Wells Fargo, Avaya, Celestial Seasonings, Furniture Brands International, Cable Labs and Nelnet. She also has been widely covered in media such as “The New York Times,” “Wall Street Journal,” and “Whole Living.”
Coaches benefit not just individuals, but organizations as well.
Dysfunctional management is so prevalent that many organizations gloss over it as normal.
“It’s not difficult to find signs of leadership dysfunction in most organizations – all you have to do is open your eyes,” wrote Mike Myatt, a leadership advisor to Fortune 500 CEOs and boards, as well as the author of “Hacking Leadership and Leadership Matters,” in “Forbes.” Ross and Rose agree that many organizations suffer from serious dysfunction, but can recover with a good coach.
“In order for organizations to change, the leader at the top needs to be a couple of steps ahead in their own personal growth,” Ross said. “The leader is the limiting factor … The leader also needs to have the humility to ask for help. And finally, a long-term commitment is necessary. Cultural change takes years in order to be sustainable.”
And many leaders may not even be aware of how the culture is “playing out” around them, Rose said.
“I coach leadership and awareness of self, plus mindful behavior, which are key skill sets every leader should have. The challenge arises when the leadership team is unaware … Those leaders that are willing to learn, grow and adapt will have the best results in culture change,” she said. “They must be willing to listen to each other, their teams and employee feedback, collaborate and communicate together on strategies, and acknowledge plus work with each other’s strengths in the process.”
Some coaching on finding the right coach for you.
Hiring a coach, however, remains a complex issue. Rose and Ross offered their advice on how to sort through the confusing array of titles, certifications, and coaching styles to find the one that’s right.
1. What personal growth work has the coach done for themselves in the last year?
2. Does the coach have a daily practice for staying grounded and if so, what is it?
3. Does the coach have a spiritual practice and if so, what is it?
4. Have there been recent clients who the coach eventually realized they could not help? What was the client’s situation?
5. Who is the coach’s favorite type of client to work with? Why were they their favorite?
6. How did the coach get into coaching and what keeps them doing the work?
Also consider whether the potential coach is able to get into areas that others shy away from. For example, clients’ emotional needs often are neglected, Ross said.
“Most coaches are unwilling or unskilled at going into emotional territory with clients, and yet this is the linchpin for lasting change,” Ross said. “This goes beyond Emotional Intelligence, which focused on self-awareness and self-regulation. EQi (Emotional Quotient Inventory) does not address what to do with the emotions that are hard for the client to be with, even though emotions are part of our humanity.”
And potential clients should not forget that it is about them as well, not just the coach.
“The most important advice I give someone who is seeking a coach to work with, is to make sure you feel comfortable and connected to the coach you are going to hire,” Rose said. “In the end, coach-plus-client is a relationship. Your results will depend highly on trusting the process and the relationship with your coach.”
Trust is key, Rose said, because coaches cannot change clients. Fundamental change only can come when the client is ready to get down and do the hard work required.
“The desire must come from within, only then will there be real results,” Rose said. “When those individuals are really ready to transform, they will take the work seriously.”
For more information on RiTika Rose, visit:
For more information on Carol Ross, visit: