
Sustainable Solutions for Millennial Investors

But when an advisor finds the right fit for millennials – most commonly sustainable investing – they become far more likely to take the plunge. According to a 2015 study by the Institute for Sustainable Investing at Morgan Stanley, a whopping 84 percent of millennials indicate that when they do invest, they prefer to put their monies into sustainable investing.

That percentage is exactly what Paul A. Squarcia, founder of One Charles Private Wealth, LLC, based in Hingham, Mass., targets as he works with existing and prospective clients.

He is a big fan of sustainable value creation, of which investing is part of that conversation, quickly pointing out that – contrary to its previous reputation – sustainable investing is indeed highly profitable.

“There really is a benefit with applying sustainable solutions to a business. There truly is a profit. It used to be that you had to think you were giving up something by doing what is proper, but the message now is that if you want to do what is proper in your investments and focus on what is good for the environment, there is profitability in that,” Squarcia said. “We have seen through several white papers recently produced, that stock prices for companies with sustainability are doing better and that companies with a sustainable focus are often making more money than their counterparts.”

“Millennials want to know more than just the price and profit potential for an investment. They want to know the impact the company has on the environment,” Squarcia explained.

Questions regarding a company’s footprint – be that agricultural, carbon or climate – are asked just as frequently. An advisor who wants to secure business with the next generation of investors wisely prepares to provide answers.

“They are the ones who will be inheriting a tremendous amount of wealth from their parents over the next 15 to 20 years, and I think we as financial advisors have struggled on how to engage them. We have not served that group as well,” Squarcia said. “We have to engage the millennials in a different way than we have in the past with their parents.”

To some extent, he thinks that altered engagement includes robo advisors. Millennials are tech friendly, and the robo advisor is a user-friendly way to get them introduced to investing. However, a really unique way to introduce this vehicle is a ‘green’ robo-advisor offering which combines this sustainable offering with technology that engages a specific demographic segment.

As their assets grow and their financial needs become more complex, Squarcia is convinced they will transition into direct relationships with registered investment advisors like himself to receive advice and guidance.

“I do not think it is going to become a completely technical, turn key world for investing,” he said. “People have sophisticated issues that need personal attention and discussion, and as the lives of millennials develop, they too will need someone to sit down and talk with them as a fiduciary in their best interest.” It’s about understanding the Living Well model that drives our clients. It’s our job to truly understand what values and passions our clients have and then applying that to doing the right thing. It’s looking across their whole life – offering sustainable solutions that fit their life story.”

Learn more about Paul A. Squarcia and One Charles Private Wealth, LLC, online at

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