
Well Beyond 9 to 5

Long gone are the days when financial advisers only met with clients in the adviser’s professional office. Today’s adviser is more likely to review financial plans over dinner at the client’s house, at a pizza joint after the client’s children finish playing their basketball game or well past normal working hours at the client’s office.

The above are scenarios not unfamiliar to advisers such as Peter J. Market CFS, who know that most of their clients simply cannot do the type of meetings necessary to maintain financial and investing plans during traditional work hours.

“If I maintained that all meetings were to occur only in our office and only during set hours, it would make it nearly impossible – if not impossible – for many of our clients to ever be able to sit down and review their goals,” Market said. “I have lost track of the number of times that I have sat and eaten dinner with a client at 10 p.m. in their home while reviewing their accounts with them.”

He recognizes that this might sound a bit extreme, but he also acknowledges it as the level of accessibility he must provide busy clients in order to have a successful working relationship with them. He knows his clients are constantly pulled in opposite directions between the never-ending demands of their work places, the long commutes to and from work, activities with their children and spouses, as well as the needs of aging parents. He doesn’t want to be yet another tug on their time and he knows he has to squeeze into their schedules at their convenience and not his.

As president of Market Wealth Management, LLC, based in Clifton, Virginia, Market also knows his extended availability policy also provides him unique insights into the lives and subsequent needs of his clients.

“What better way to truly learn about your clients than spending time with them outside of a conference room – in their own surroundings,” he said.

Market’s intuitively personal approach lays the foundation for his greatest professional success. He recalls a phone call many years ago from a client who had just received a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Told by his doctor that he had only months to live, Market was the first call that client placed after receiving the difficult news. He wanted confirmation that planning done in the past would be enough to provide for his soon-to-be widow and son. Today, Market still guides that client's widow through the myriad of financial issues she faces. However, because she and her late husband had done significant planning – and because Market opted to be extremely engaged in outlining their needs and meeting with them at their convenience – her husband’s tragic death was not accompanied by financial trauma.

“By making myself more available, this opens up opportunities to address issues that otherwise may go neglected for some time,” Market said. “It prevents these important issues from being relegated to the ‘I’ll do that later’ category.”

Sometimes, “later” is too late.

Learn more about Market Wealth Management, LLC, online at

Securities offered through Parkland Securities, LLC.  Member FINRA/SIPC.  Investment advisory services offered through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor.  Market Wealth Management, LLC is independent of Parkland Securities, LLC and Sigma Planning Corporation.

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