
Strictly for Federal Employees

A 2013 retirement survey from investment powerhouse BlackRock revealed that the lack of widespread concern about retirement planning is linked to a serious lack of understanding of retirement needs. “Confusion and lack of clarity around retirement needs has led many participants to inaction,” according to the findings. “Forty-five percent say they are not saving [for retirement] because they don’t know how much they will need.”

That inaction is exactly why people need to seek the advice and guidance of professionals like Ann Vanderslice, president and CEO of Retirement Planning Strategies. Working in a niche financial services arena – one strictly devoted to federal workers – Vanderslice customizes retirement strategies that are tailored to her federal employee-only client-base’s specific needs and goals.
“We help federal employees break down the complexities of federal benefits into easily understood language,” Vanderslice told The Suit. “Our unique value comes not from just helping clients understand their complex set of benefits, but also from knowing how to maximize those benefits for clients.”

Based in Lakewood, Colorado, the spirited Vanderslice founded the firm in 2000. She is now nationally recognized as a premier authority in retirement planning for federal workers, and has been featured in both the Wall Street Journal and Reuters. 

“Right now, some 40 percent of all federal government workers are eligible for retirement,” Vanderslice explained. “We help clients decide if they should accept a buy-out package if offered one. Every client and every situation is different, so we get to know clients before plotting any course. And, our planning process is an ongoing thing. We track clients’ progress to ensure their retirement dollars are working optimally.”

Vanderslice also conducts lunch-time workshops and retirement planning classes in various cities across Colorado and throughout the country. Topics covered include how to maximize federal benefits, the best day to retire, maximizing sick and annual leave, survivors benefits, insurance benefits and all there is to know about the Thrift Savings Plan.

A secure, sound retirement is every worker’s ultimate goal. And because we are living longer, healthier lives, we can expect to spend more time in retirement than our predecessors. Achieving this universal dream of a sound, comfortable retirement is much easier when you can plan your finances.

Presently, the median household headed by a person aged 60-62 with a 401(k) account has less than one-quarter of what is needed in that account to maintain its standard of living in retirement, according to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Faced with shortfalls, people are postponing retirement, cutting back on expenditures, taking on riskier bets with investments and making the kind of sacrifices they never envisioned.

Experts like Vanderslice picture a meaningful retirement for all workers – as long as they can start saving more, start saving earlier and start saving smarter.

Federal workers can start the planning process by calling Vanderslice.

For more information, visit:

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