Creating an income stream that lasts a lifetime isn’t accomplished without significant planning. In Charlotte A. Dougherty’s professional experience, it also takes a written plan that guides both

One key to maintaining those long-term relationships is to, first of all, get on the same page. “In an initial consultation with a client, it’s very important to have realistic expectations. We want our clients to share our investment philosophy so that we both can agree and move forward,” he said. “It’s important to stick to the game plan.”

As the media dwells on 2016’s coming changes in the administration of Social Security, more forward-thinking financial advisors are acknowledging the alteration but not allowing it to sway their

Effective client-advisor relationships are imperative to successful planning for both parties. Talented advisors want to work with clients who want help achieving their long term financial goals,

Staying Calm in the Face of a Changing Market. Former professional tennis instructor turned professional financial planner, Eugene Harvey Hines knows playing to win starts with having

Viewing Money Differently. Generations of Americans trusted in the bank as an institution and as a symbol of how working hard and saving money could help us get ahead.

Clients rarely need only one type of service. Investment Advice, Retirement Planning and Taxes – just to name a few – can all play a role in ensuring that financial goals are being met.

Conversation is the Starting Point. The conversation is missing from the world of financial advising. So says Michael Begin, president of Lifestyle Freedom in Milford, Conn.

“Markets are going to go up, and markets are going to go down. You have to expect that to happen – and you have to take advantage of it.” That’s Steve Selengut’s take on volatility.

to Discover the Secrets of America’s True Wealth Managers. How the great recession, retirement concerns, and the new normal are driving change in the delivery of wealth management

Many investors are wary of the stock market because downward corrections. Nevertheless, over the long term, most experts consider stocks a necessary part of a good portfolio.

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